Friday, December 21, 2007

1958 Rikuo RT2

It all started in the early 1930s, when the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, like everyone else, was mired in the Great Depression. By 1932, in fact, the Milwaukee factory was running at about 10 percent capacity, and sales were below 4,000 units a year. One bright spot had been exports, but in Japan, Harley sales were also plummeting, because of an unfavorable exchange rate.

Agent authorized to represent Harley-Davidson in Japan, China, Korea and Manchuria. Child figured he could reduce the retail price of a Harley to a Japanese customer if the machines were built in-country. He convinced the home office to sell Harley machine tools and licensing rights to the Japanese Sankyo Seiyako Corporation, which would build Harleys in Japan. In dire straits, Harley agreed to the deal, and a new, Japanese-built model appeared under the “Rikuo” name.